Sunday, June 6, 2010

YouTube is Five

As you can see by the dates, I haven't been able to post in a couple of months. Well, YouTube's recent anniversary gives me a nice excuse to fill space.

Favorites from YouTube:

"Premakes: Raiders of the Lost Ark" -- if the Spielberg/Lucas hit had been made in 1951:

"Halloween" theme song -- lyrics that actually fit the music of John Carpenter's original:

"Iron Man vs. the Incredible Hulk": Best mixing of two movies I've seen yet, helped by the fact that Robert Downey, Jr., actually appeared briefly in HULK:

"Dennis DePue Case" from "Unsolved Mysteries" -- I tried to describe this episode in one mof my first posts; at last I know its title. This video shows that the movie "Jeepers Creepers" was inspired by this segment. Guess I'll have to watch that soon:

"How Terminator Should Have Ended" -- this is the pastiche I was trying to write years ago. Heck, I'd fight to write the novelization now!