Sunday, April 26, 2015


It seems I all but forgot my blog and web-site over the past three years.  I did little of interest in the last few months here when I did remember it, as you can see in previous posts.  This may change soon, as I'm likely to have more free time.

Let's just say the environment at work grew steadily worse over the years, a situation which, combined with the long commute there and back, drained my energy to the point that I did little at night beyond goofing off on the Internet for a while then collapsing into sleep -- only to rise a few hours later and go to work again.

But enough of that.  I wasn't completely idle during that time.  As a matter of fact, thinking back to my teenage years, it seemed like I wrote one page per day (on good days) on "the" story (I only thought up one at a time).  Now I have numerous tales floating around, several of novel length, that all clamor for attention.  I've written/typed/edited many times the material I produced way back when during these "lost" three years.  I guess the key to it all is focusing on one at a time.

Here are a couple of recent ditties:  Specklit Stories.

And a longer tale about something lurking in Your Own Back Yard.

Now:  back to the old grindstone to produce more tales.  At least this is a more fun grindstone than one scribbling down figures and studying car titles and replacement license forms!

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